Contain Your Costs. Secure Your Future.

Contain Your Costs. Secure Your Future.
Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki / Unsplash

Rising energy costs have become a major concern for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) customers in California. Over the past few years, the cost of energy has been steadily increasing, causing financial strain on many households and businesses.

There are several factors contributing to the rising energy costs in California. One of the main reasons is the increasing demand for electricity due to population growth and economic development. As more people move to California and businesses expand, the demand for energy increases, leading to higher prices.

Another factor is the volatility of fuel prices, particularly natural gas. Natural gas is a primary source of electricity generation in California, and fluctuations in global demand and supply can impact local prices. When global demand for natural gas increases, prices tend to rise, leading to higher energy costs for PG&E customers.

The rising energy costs are having a significant impact on PG&E customers in California. Many households and businesses are facing increased energy bills, which can be a financial burden, particularly for low-income families. According to a report by the California Public Utilities Commission, the average residential customer in California saw their monthly electricity bill increase by 25% between 2013 and 2019.

The impact of rising energy costs is not limited to increased bills alone. It can also lead to reduced economic activity, as businesses struggle to maintain profitability with higher energy costs. This can have a ripple effect throughout the economy, leading to job losses and decreased economic growth.

Arguably the most disturbing reason for the rising energy costs fall squarely on the company’s examples of lack of responsibility. In recent years, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has faced numerous challenges, including wildfires, natural disasters, and regulatory scrutiny. However, instead of taking responsibility for its failures, PG&E has chosen to pass the costs on to its customers.

One of the most significant challenges facing PG&E is the wildfire crisis in California. In recent years, PG&E has been criticized for its role in causing several devastating wildfires, including the 2017 Tubbs Fire and the 2018 Camp Fire. These fires have resulted in significant damage to property and loss of life, as well as significant costs for PG&E. Rather than taking responsibility for its role in these disasters, PG&E has chosen to pass these costs on to its customers through rate increases.

In addition to wildfires, PG&E has also faced criticism for its response to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. These events can cause significant damage to PG&E's infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and replacement. Once again, instead of taking responsibility for these costs, PG&E has chosen to pass them on to its customers through rate increases.

PG&E has also faced regulatory scrutiny in recent years, particularly from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The CPUC has criticized PG&E for its failure to invest in infrastructure maintenance and upgrades, leading to a number of safety incidents. Rather than addressing these concerns directly, PG&E has chosen to pass costs on to its customers through rate increases.

The cost of PG&E's failures is being passed on to its customers in the form of rate increases. These rate increases can have a significant impact on low-income households and small businesses, which are already struggling to make ends meet. In addition, the uncertainty surrounding these rate increases can make it difficult for customers to plan and budget for their energy costs.

This is why DragonBox is here. This is our mission. To contain your energy costs and democratize technology. These two simple tasks are about tooling your small business to run with the efficiency of the giants.

Buying a DragonBox means you will generate up to 16KWh of power each day. This is 10 times the power needed for the average American home adjusted for space. Our Series One DragonBox comes with 22KWh of energy storage. Which means you could miss a day or two to power your mobile business. If you’re pulling a DragonBox around with your electric truck. You will NEVER be stranded.

Buying a DragonBox means you will be operating the latest open-source, democratized technology on your own private cloud. Your private cloud will include your POS system, Project Management, PBX with voicemail, Network Management, HVAC controls, and even Generative AI. Your private cloud will also include offsite public-cloud backups to Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Storage, Oracle’s Object Storage, or any location you choose for offsite storage or disaster recovery.

Buying a DragonBox means having a fixed-cost for:

  1. Your mobile commercial space
  2. Energy
  3. Technology

This means you get to focus on only two things: Your Business and Your Customers.

Contact us at DragonBox Solar and help us help you reach your goals.